On this page you can see something from my life, back to I was 5 years old. you can watch it with music on
Wilma 1 year 2021
Press for link to Instagram
My first bike March 2021
After a break without a bike for 30 years, I bought this one
Snowboarding holiday 2012
7 wonderful days in France, with 5 good friends
My beautiful kids
When I was 5 years old
My first business 1986
The shop was in Copenhagen
Mother, Father and Sister's
Run an animal
To make running fun, I run an animal :-)
My first boat 2008
I miss my boat every day. But one day I get a new one
Married in 1995
Single after 22 years
Beer production 2021
My first beer production was a success
My home 2002-2022
My life as a backpacker 1986-1991
Press for link to video: Around the world
My first dog 2004
Always go big, and get the most for your money :-)
On holiday 2020
My home for 5 day's on the Danish island: Bornholm
My first instrument 1977
Make my day 2021
Just drive without a purpose
Everything on 2 wheels 2021
I can always arrive on 2 wheels